
Elections time in the Socialist Federation of Makhnovist. The people called to choose wich of them will be the new president.

Dear Comrades, here we are again to write to you the news from the Socialist Federation of Makhnovist, the Civil War and our great Revolution. Well today the Supreme Assembly of the Workers,Farmers and Soldiers had a special session for deciding what to do for ending the Civil War and also for re-organize to Federation. In fact after one month of the beginning of the Revolution the People is called to decide who will be their representative to the Assemblies. The most important decisions that will be taken are the Presidential election and the election of the General Secretary of the Supreme Assembly. The vote will be taken Sunday 17 October 2010 and Monday 18 October. As Candidates we have Comrade Sante Carbone the actual president, Axel Carbone and Bjorn Eriksonn. So what to say Comrades, the direct democracy is now applied and if we want the triumph of the Revolution we must all participate. Because the Freedom is participation!